Friday, September 11, 2015


I literally just got home from picking up a trailer.  On the way, I was making a tight turn, and had to let a large truck pull out before I could make the turn.  The pickup behind the large truck decided he had the right to pull out too--but I had already committed to making the turn (not to mention that I had the right of way).  As I passed the pickup, the driver decided to call me an "a*@wipe".  I said, "sorry man" and even made eye contact (my voice was calm, and I was sincerely sorry--even though I really had nothing to apologize for. Remember, I had the right of way!).  As I apologized, he decided to respond with the wonderful and uplifting comment of "F%*# You!"

As I continued down the road, I laughed--then I prayed.  I thanked God for the fact that I held my tongue, and then I prayed for the man (No, I did not pray that he would then run off the road).  I prayed for God's resurrecting power to be made known in the man's life.  I prayed that his day would be better, and I prayed that he would be forgiven. 

Now, I don't tell you this to pat myself on the back.  I promise that I do not always respond this way, and I have had my share of opportunities to be "the other guy."  I tell you this because the situation made me think about words.  Why do we say the things we say to others?  Why do we tear down complete strangers? 

[Note:  The man would have been accurate in calling me an "a*@wipe" if only he had said "a*@wiper"--considering we just had our third child, and I have been wiping a lot of....well--you know!!]

Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs."

Gut punch, right?!!  It's one of those verses that we like to sling out when we are the one being spoken poorly to, but avoid when we have something nasty to say.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, every single word that comes out of our mouths matters!!  EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.

In this situation, the Spirit lead me to forgive, not lash out--which should be my response every time.  I'm thankful that He intervened.  I'm thankful that prior to being in my truck, I had been in conversation with God--thus I was in touch with the Spirit.

If we are truly to control our words, we must constantly be in touch with the Spirit.  When we are hurt by words, we should immediately go to God so that our response comes from Him.

Christian--in a world of hurt, God, through the letters of Paul, has told us to only speak what builds up.  My prayer is that you will allow the right words to flow from your lips in all circumstances.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

From Couch to Commitment

As a runner, it's been nice to see the recent boom in the sport.  People of all shapes and sizes are out giving it their best.  There has been tremendous event enhancement--color runs, zombie runs, 200 mile relays, and more.

One of my favorite additions to the running world is the "couch to 5k" app.  This simplifies the training process, and literally turns a non runner into a racer!  The one thing, though, that the app doesn't do is make the commitment.  The individual must do that.

I've known people who were pumped to have downloaded the app, but have never used it.  It's not the app that gets you off the couch!!

The same thing has happened in the church.  The "boom" has happened more in the contemporary style churches.  Loud music, flashing lights, skinny jeans (nothing wrong with any of these--however I do not do skinny jeans), etc.  The church "event" has definitely been enhanced over the last decade.

One thing that hasn't changed though, is that the individual still has to make a decision to commit!!  I'm not one to get hung up on which is right, traditional or contemporary, and I'm pretty sure Jesus isn't concerned with your worship style.  I am sure, though, that He definitely wants commitment.  He didn't die so we could own an app, take up space on a pew/really hip stadium seat, or simply be a member.  He died so that we could have life, and the life that He gives only comes from complete surrender and commitment.

There are many "Christians" out there just like those "runners" that I know.  They think that they are runners (or Christians) because of their association with the sport (or Church), and yet they have never gotten off the couch (or pew).  They haven't made a real commitment.

Isn't it time to lace up, and get in the race?

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Evangelism is spelled LOVE

So I'm in the midst of prepping a sermon for next Sunday (8/16/15)...though I won't give all the details at this time--I would like to throw this nugget out there.

Evangelism is a word that makes most Christians run for the hills.  "Why in the world would we want to get out of our comfort zone?"  "You mean, you actually want me to talk to someone about Jesus--a stranger?" Yes, yes, and yes!!

Remember the old Batman and Robin shows from the late 60s (no, I wasn't around in the 60s--reruns baby!!) with the "Bam/Pow" fight words?  I think most of us believe that's how evangelism should be.  You're supposed to hide behind the mailbox, light post, tree trunk, or some other object that doesn't really hide you, and jump out with a "BAM! Jesus loves you!!"  Really, who doesn't want to sign up for that?!  You're more likely to get "POWed" back or simply run the person off.  But this is our image of evangelism, isn't it?  And this is why most people are terrified when the topic is brought up (mentioning "evangelism" or "stewardship" is a sure fire way to clear a room of "Christians").

Jesus didn't jump out from behind a tree.  He simply invited others into relationship.  It was through that relationship that others got to know Him, and respond to Him.  He just loved people right where they were--that's it.  That's all He's asking us to do, love people.  That's evangelism.

How do you evangelize (especially if hiding behind a mailbox is out of the question)?  You practice loving people.  You offer up what I like to call "You Matter Moments" to people (you can also call them "I See You Moments").  All you do is acknowledge people, and if you see them on a regular basis--you've begun a relationship.  Once you've established that you are a guy or gal that cares (this is called building trust), you can begin to share more about why you are the way you are (that's the "BAM/POW" Jesus part, but a little less threatening).

That's it.  Evangelism--BAM!