Sunday, August 9, 2015

Evangelism is spelled LOVE

So I'm in the midst of prepping a sermon for next Sunday (8/16/15)...though I won't give all the details at this time--I would like to throw this nugget out there.

Evangelism is a word that makes most Christians run for the hills.  "Why in the world would we want to get out of our comfort zone?"  "You mean, you actually want me to talk to someone about Jesus--a stranger?" Yes, yes, and yes!!

Remember the old Batman and Robin shows from the late 60s (no, I wasn't around in the 60s--reruns baby!!) with the "Bam/Pow" fight words?  I think most of us believe that's how evangelism should be.  You're supposed to hide behind the mailbox, light post, tree trunk, or some other object that doesn't really hide you, and jump out with a "BAM! Jesus loves you!!"  Really, who doesn't want to sign up for that?!  You're more likely to get "POWed" back or simply run the person off.  But this is our image of evangelism, isn't it?  And this is why most people are terrified when the topic is brought up (mentioning "evangelism" or "stewardship" is a sure fire way to clear a room of "Christians").

Jesus didn't jump out from behind a tree.  He simply invited others into relationship.  It was through that relationship that others got to know Him, and respond to Him.  He just loved people right where they were--that's it.  That's all He's asking us to do, love people.  That's evangelism.

How do you evangelize (especially if hiding behind a mailbox is out of the question)?  You practice loving people.  You offer up what I like to call "You Matter Moments" to people (you can also call them "I See You Moments").  All you do is acknowledge people, and if you see them on a regular basis--you've begun a relationship.  Once you've established that you are a guy or gal that cares (this is called building trust), you can begin to share more about why you are the way you are (that's the "BAM/POW" Jesus part, but a little less threatening).

That's it.  Evangelism--BAM!

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