Thursday, December 22, 2011

Face 2 Face

I recently had the pleasant reminder of what a real conversation felt like.  As a leader, I often get so consumed with the day to day operation of work.  The day is spent communicating, but usually through a screen (texting, emailing, twitter, etc) and very quickly.  Decisions need to be made and goals need to be met.

I reached out to a friend through a Words with Friends game---yes I dabble in fun apps occasionally in rare down time.  When we met up he said to me, "we have communicated more in the last two months, texting through a game, than we have all year.  What's wrong with that picture?"  The conversation that ensued was rich and genuine.  We each took turns sharing our passions.  We challenged one another in our careers.  After two hours, we both walked away encouraged and recharged to do what we do: develop people.  I see it as time well spent.

Jim Collins, author of the best-seller Good to Great, schedules "white space" on his calendar.  This is think time, brainstorming time, growth time.  It is time every leader should make.  Leaders should also schedule "face time."  Face time is just like Collins' "white space" plus one.  It is authentic conversation with another--on purpose.  Face time doesn't have an agenda or a direction.  The only rule is that it cannot be surface talk: nothing about the weather, sports, catching up on family, etc.  You must dig deeper, ask questions, generate ideas.

When is the last time you had real face time?  Reward yourself by scheduling it two to four times each month.  Don't allow face to face communication to become a lost art.

Take a break from the screens, and enjoy the conversation.

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