Friday, January 6, 2012


Often times we hear the word change and we stall.  Change strikes fear.  Change causes us to question whether something was "wrong" to begin with.  Why fix it if it ain't broke? Right?

Though we fear change, we are also very curious about it.  The new year is always filled with grand allusions of the changes we will make in our lives.  We get enthralled with the idea of changing--but we don't.

On the other hand we recognize that change is needed.  Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  We believe it is insane to not change, (I need to exercise more, eat better, read more, work less, etc....or else "x" will happen....) yet are insane because we do not.

Why do we do this.... all the time?

I believe that "change" strikes fear because we think it requires some complete overhaul of who we are, though most haven't even defined that yet.  So therein lies the greater issue for 2012.  Who are you? What are your values?

Before you waste time chasing a new year "change", take the time to define YOU.  Once you define who you are and determined your values, you will be able to set clearer--more achievable goals.  For once, put the cart behind the horse, you'll have a great success rate!

When you've finally defined you by establishing the non-negotiable values that make you up--you can focus on change.  Change then becomes growth, not an abandonment of your values (which is what we feared to begin with).  Values are constant, the change in your life should be filtered through those values.  

Be resolute to set values first in 2012, then determine what "change" needs to take place. 

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