Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Politico is not influencing positively

Where are all the statesMEN?  What is politics teaching young Americans about honor, respect, the value of man, the list goes on and on??

I barely recall a time when being an elected official was an honorable opportunity.  A man had the ability to make a positive difference.  Now, the political machine takes a man and wrings every ounce of goodness out of him. 

Why is it that when our three year old acts out we reprimand him, but we don't show him that we have the same expectation of our elected officials?  We're teaching that disciple is temporary.

Let me say this--discipline and selflessness are required for any amount of success in any area of life.

If you want a successful marriage, you must be disciplined to love unconditionally.
If you want a successful business, you must be disciplined to select great talent, train and develop, think outside the box, etc.
If you want a successful portfolio, you must be disciplined to understand the changing markets.
If you want to be successful at knowing your Maker,......well discipline's root is disciple?

Maybe I live in a hole, but I still believe that a man can be married to the same woman forever, can be an amazing and engaged father, and can have a positive influence on every single person he comes in contact with. 

There is no greater time than right now, leaders, to create more of these men!

The question is, are you disciplined and selfless enough to create them? 

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